
It’s very common when someone has a good thing happen, that person says that something is lucky. For example, someone has a lucky day after they run a red light in front of a police officer but don’t get a ticket? I have begun to challenge myself to change the word ‘lucky’ to the word ‘blessing’ in my own vocabulary. Blessing(s) is the idea that all good things that have happened were given purposefully & consciously by a caring God. Lucky, on the other hand, is the idea that the good thing that happened was random. The lucky moment was not intentionally conjured. 

It’s a mind shift, from seeing good things as being random to now having a more purposeful existence as my life unfolds. This is the way that I find it easiest to remember it. There are a variety of blessings, some that are very much personalized. 

I questioned whether it was valid and possible that blessings existed. My hesitation toward this blessing thing, when I first heard about it, was skeptical to say the least. Yet, having experienced it, I have to say that the blessings that have come to me/us are definitely not the one size fits all variety. I’m happy to be able to identify the new change & growth in my life as a blessing. That’s why I keep using the word. The definition is a good one, for me. Other people may have a different way of explaining this. Hopefully, this is helpful to you when I use this word. 

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